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3805 Oleander Ave Ft Pierce, Fl 34982

Invoice Number INV-1050
Invoice Date January 28, 2025
Total Due $1,658.50

Solid Walnut Custom Sofa Table and End Tables.  Sketches sent by email.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Sofa Table

102inch by 18 inch sofa table. 36 inch high and 42 inch high level. Solid walnut construction. Finish to be determined. 4/4 wood stock for the tabletops.

2 End Table. Solid walnut.

24inch high, 12 inch wide, 24 inch deep. Legs and top to match the sofa table.

Sub Total $3,100.00
Tax $217.00
Paid -$1,658.50
Total Due $1,658.50