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3805 Oleander Ave Ft Pierce, Fl 34982

Invoice Number INV-1049
Invoice Date January 21, 2025
Total Due $349.00

7 ft long 38 inch wide, golden oak top, cream base worn.  no breadboard end because legs pulled to ends.    NO end seating, legs pulled with 1inch overhng.  Solid Pine top, sprayed clear coat finish.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 7 ft long 38 inch wide, golden oak top, cream base worn. no breadboard end because legs pulled to ends. NO end seating, legs pulled with 1inch overhng. Solid Pine top, sprayed clear coat finish. $700.00$700.00
Sub Total $700.00
Tax $49.00
Paid -$400.00
Total Due $349.00